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Pilates – Starting Your Journey and Reaping Its Benefits

The first step to learning Pilates is actually thinking about how you’re going to do it. Are you going to do it alone? Are you joining a group? Or will you be in a private class? These

What the Best Exercise Bikes Have in Common

By now, you’ve probably heard of cycling classes that’s been popping up all over Sydney. If you didn’t know it yet, cycling classes are like spinning classes where you ride on a stationary bike and you bike

What to Look for in The Best Ab Machine

A lot of people want to remove their muffin top. But unfortunately for me and for a lot of girls out there, eliminating the muffin top takes a lot of time and effort. Well-sculpted abs don’t come

Discover Today’s Popular Asian Beauty Treatments

The quest for beauty transcends all countries and cultures. However, Asians are best known for the extra attention they pour into skincare and beauty treatments. I can attest to the fascinating beauty scene in some Asian countries